Healthcare Industry: Medical Equipment Highlight

If you’ve visited a medical facility over the last few years, chances are you interacted with various medical equipment – directly or indirectly. From fans to medical imaging equipment to pumps, these medical equipment use energy to operate.

Although these medical equipment does not consume much of the healthcare facility’s power, there are opportunities to improve their energy consumption. But how exactly can they be used in such a way that they conserve energy?

The Building Technologiessearch.

Opportunity for enhancing the efficiency of energy consumption in hospitals

Based on the research study, medical equipment’s nighttime power consumption and variability in the medical imaging equipment load profiles present an opportunity for medical stakeholders to evaluate device operational modes to see if they can make enhancements. Specifically, there is the opportunity to enhance “idle” mode energy efficiency and built-in controls for tr Office partnered with two hospitals to research healthcare energy end-use consumption – to answer this question. Below are some conclusions that were drawn from the transition between operational modes.

For instance, to improve power efficiency, there’s a need to conduct assessments to determine whether medical equipment should be powered down during non-business hours. Also, manufacturers should design controls that minimise idle power while ensuring that the facility is emergency-ready and can respond fast to disasters.

If you’re looking for the best place to get your Medical Equipment power supplies, you’re in the right place! EP-Power together with Artesyn aims to give you a total commitment to ensure the best quality and provide first-class products and services.

For enquiries, you may send us an email at: or give us a call at +6564547877. 

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